Proaudio Construction

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Serravalle, San Marino
Architecture & Planning

Proaudio Construction Reviews | Rating 3 out of 5 stars (5 reviews)

Proaudio Construction is rated 3 out of 5 in the category architecture & planning. Read and write reviews about Proaudio Construction. Proaudio Construction does acoustic design and construction. We work through and with partner consultants and companies, each of them an expert in its field, since many different expertises are to be brought together to make good acoustics. We design and equip and make custom, “key in hand” solutions – budget friendly. We take any project in from its very start and follow it to its final testing. We also cooperate with construction pros (architects, interior designers, engineers…) to help them assure the best possible acoustic quality to every project, leaving uncompromised and untouched aesthetics and functionality of any environment. La Proaudio Construction si occupa di progettazione e costruzione in acustica. Si serve di più collaboratori, esperti nelle molteplici discipline necessarie per il raggiungimento del tuo obiettivo: una soluzione costruita su misura, chiavi in mano e con un’ottimale gestione dei costi. Per questo, curiamo il progetto dalle prime fasi di analisi fino al collaudo finale, ma non solo: collaboriamo con architetti, interior designer, geometri e ingegneri per garantire il miglior risultato in termini acustici a ogni progetto, lasciando inalterata la volontà del progettista dal punto di vista estetico e funzionale.


Via IV Giugno, 36

Company size

1-10 employees


Serravalle, San Marino



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